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Asset Management Fund. Notice of Privacy Policy & Practices

Asset Management Fund ("AMF"), recognize and respect the privacy expectations of our shareholders. We do not sell information about current or former customers or their accounts to third parties. We provide this notice to you so that you will know what kinds of information we collect about shareholders of the Fund and the circumstances in which that information may be disclosed.

Collection of Customer Information:

We collect nonpublic personal information about our shareholders from the following sources:

  • Account Applications, shareholder profiles and other forms, which may include a shareholder's name, address, social security number, and information about a shareholder's investment goals and risk tolerance
  • Account History, for example, copies of confirmations or statements which may include information about investment transactions or the balances in a shareholder's account
  • Correspondence, written, telephonic or electronic between a shareholder and AMF

Disclosure of Customer Information:

We will not disclose any of the shareholder information we collect to third parties who are not affiliated with the Fund other than:

  • to effect or administer transactions at your request
  • as permitted or required by law or regulation - for example, to service providers to the Fund, in connection with an audit or examination, or to respond to a subpoena or similar legal process

Asset Management Fund(AMF) may disclose any of the shareholder information it collects to its affiliates that are engaged in a variety of financial services businesses, both in connection with the servicing of customer accounts and to inform clients of financial products and services that might be of interest.

Security of Customer Information:

We have physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect nonpublic personal information of our shareholders. We will adhere to the policies and practices described in this notice regardless of whether you are a current or former shareholder of the Fund. Asset Management Fund(AMF) may restrict access to client nonpublic personal information by, among other things, password-protecting electronic information, having such information in a designated location that is not accessible to all employees, or otherwise segregating such information.


I have read the notice, proceed with Prospectus download

I have read the notice, proceed with SAI download